Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Shopping for the Right Bra

The Huffington Post Christina Anderson agrees with us - 5 Things to make shopping for bras easier:

1. Work with a professional bra fitter/specialist, with over 250 brands and styles you need a experienced person to advise you on the right type for your figure just like you would go to a lawyer for legal advice.

2. Buy your bra at a small lingerie focus shop, you will find a staff that is more likely to be experts. The main reason for ill fitting bra is that many women are shopping in department shops that carry sizes to DD. There is definitely a disconnect between the people who manufacture the bras and womens current sizes...they have changed. Cups sized are up to N now and department stores just don't carry that range.

3. Cups are not created equal,
you must know your back-size to cup size ratio to get the right fit. Even armed with this information size within each type and style can be tricky because each manufacturer has its own rules. So you must try bras in your size range.
4. Invest in your bra, we have all purchased the $20 bra (the bra that is not on sale for $20...it is $20), they won't last or give proper support for long. Our best selling bra range in price from $40 - $80....we also carry $25.00 bras. The difference in price is the material and design. Remember your your bra is investment in the way you look.
5. Hand wash your bras, we believe the frequency of washing your bra depends on your activity. We suggust at least two wears then wash in a lingerie wash and do not wear your bra two days in a row. You must allow your band to go back to its natural state (24 hour rest).

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Start The New Year Right


Lingerie is Powerful. Lingerie transforms, inspires, stimulates, and excites. It allows every woman no matter her circumstance, to express the person she truly is inside in an intimate and meaningful way. I believe (and I hope you do too) that lingerie is more than underware,,,ut’s a means of self expression, no matter what clothing you may have to wear on top.
Here are a few simple tips on how to get started organizing your lingerie drawer and take inventory of what you have.

Step1: First of all throw away anything ratty worn out, discolored, faded faded, threadbare, or that is that has stretched elastic, holes or underwires poking through.

Step 2: Second, divide your remaining lingerie into piles, Lingerie worn frequently to semi-frequently, lingerie worn once/twice & never again.

Step 3: Donate everything in the last pile to Salvation Army, Goodwill or a local battered women’s shelter, In The Image. Or bring them in to us and we will donate for you.

Step 4: Find other uses for lingerie in the second piles. Lingerie worn frequently to semi-frequently, lingerie worn once/twice & never again.

Step 5: For things you love and wear often, use them as a guide to future lingerie purchases.